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Here at Pommania i follow a combination of Dr Dodds half dose vaccination guide a link to this can be found at the bottom of the page and the instructions given on the nobivac datasheet that all vets should read but they obviously do not because it clearly states all dogs vaccinated at 10 weeks old only need one injection and boosters are given every 3 years. We do not give any lepto vaccine as the vaccine kills more dogs than the infection does so we do not believe it is worth taking the risk with our poms lives.

Over the years i have lost far too many puppies to bad reactions to vaccinations where they die due to a reaction and there is nothing you can do to save them. This is why i decided to start giving half dose dhp at 10 weeks and no lepto at all. second vaccination is given 4 weeks later again half dose dhp and no lepto.  I don't titer test any more as i have done many tests in the past and proven this method works already as has Dr Dodds research. So when you buy a puppy from me this is how they will come and i recommend the same is done with your vet and you can refer them to Dr Dodds research if they have any queries with this.

I do not give the lepto vaccine because this is the most dangerous vaccine that causes most of the vaccine related deaths. It is also not needed for the majority of pets anyway. Dogs can only catch lepto by drinking water infected by rat urine which you will mainly find in water courses in marsh land or fields with streams and rivers. So unless your dog drinks water when visiting these kinds of places then they do not need this dangerous vaccine. 

Do not allow your vet to force you to do anything legally they have to do as you ask and cannot refuse not to do it and never ever allow them to force you to start the course from the beginning again you do not need to. the only time you will have to start again is if your vet does not use the same make of vaccine but you need to wait at least 4 weeks before starting again. vets are too quick to force injecting poisons into our dogs because it is their biggest earner do not let them do it. Visit this group on facebook to read all about it


The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) has issued guidelines to

veterinary surgeons and dog owners which aim to ensure that dogs are protected from

infectious disease, while reducing the number of vaccines that are given routinely. Full

guidelines are available at this link:

The basic principles of these guidelines are:

1. We should aim to vaccinate every animal with core vaccines, and to vaccinate each

individual less frequently by only giving non-core vaccines that are necessary for

that animal.

2. Vaccines should not be given needlessly. Core vaccines are those that are required

by every dog in order to protect them from life-threatening infectious diseases that

remain prevalent throughout the world. Core vaccines should not be given any more

frequently than every three years after the 12 month booster injection following the

puppy/kitten series, because the duration of immunity (DOI) is known to be many

years and may be up to the lifetime of the pet.

3. The WSAVA has defined non-core vaccines as those that are required by only those

animals whose geographical location, local environment or lifestyle places them at

risk of contracting specific infections.

4. The WSAVA strongly supports the concept of the ‘annual health check’ which

removes the emphasis from, and client expectation of, annual revaccination and

suggests that vaccination (if required) forms only one part of an annual veterinary

visit that considers the entire health and wellbeing of the individual dog.

What this means in practice is that:

Core Vaccines

1. The WSAVA recommends that all puppies should have their initial vaccines against

the core diseases, which are distemper, parvovirus and hepatitis (also called

adenovirus). Note that in countries where canine rabies is endemic, rabies

vaccination is also considered core, even when it is not required by law.

2. The WSAVA also states that the last puppy vaccine against the core diseases

should be given at 14-16 weeks of age. This is because, before this time, the mother

passes immunity to her puppies, and this ‘maternal immunity’ can prevent the

vaccine from working.

3. A high percentage (98%) of core puppy vaccines given between 14-16 weeks of age

will provide immunity against parvovirus, distemper and adenovirus for many years,

and probably for the life of the animal.

4. All dogs should receive a first booster for core vaccines 12 months after completion

of the primary vaccination course. The 12 month booster will ensure immunity for

dogs that may not have adequately responded to the puppy vaccinations.

5. The WSAVA states that we should vaccinate against the core diseases no more

frequently than every three years. This is often taken to mean that we should

vaccinate every three years – but this is not the case. If the dog is already immune

to these three core diseases, re-vaccinating will not add any extra immunity.

6. The WSAVA supports the use of titre testing. This is where a small sample of blood

is taken from the dog and checked for the presence of circulating antibodies. The

presence of circulating antibodies indicates that the dog is immune, and

revaccination (with core vaccines) is not required. You may decide to titre test before

giving the 12 month booster, as this may show that boosting is unnecessary. New

in-practice titre-testing kits are now available which will allow your veterinarian to do

a titre test very quickly, without sending the blood sample to a laboratory.

7. It is important to give as few vaccines as possible, whilst also ensuring that dogs are

protected from life-threatening viral and bacterial diseases. The WSAVA seeks to

reduce the number of vaccines given as there is always a risk of adverse reactions

with any vaccination. The risk of adverse reaction is considered small and the

WSAVA asserts that the benefit of protecting your pet from life-threatening infections

far outweighs the risk of adverse reaction – although any reaction to a vaccine that

is not needed is unacceptable. The WSAVA has listed the types of reactions in its

vaccine guidelines (which you can see on the link given above). They range from

mild (such as fever, loss of appetite), through to severe (such as epilepsy, arthritis,

autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, and allergic reactions). The most severe adverse

effects can be life-threatening.

Non-core Vaccines

The non-core vaccines commonly used for dogs are for leptospirosis and kennel cough.


Of the leptospirosis vaccine, the WSAVA states: “Vaccination should be restricted to use in

geographical areas where a significant risk of exposure has been established or for dogs

whose lifestyle places them at significant risk. These dogs should be vaccinated at 12–16

weeks of age, with a second dose 3–4 weeks later, and then at intervals of 9–12 months

until the risk has been reduced. This vaccine is the one least likely to provide adequate and

prolonged protection, and therefore must be administered annually or more often for

animals at high risk. There are many different serovars (strains) of Leptospira in the world.

Leptospirosis in dogs is most often caused by one of a small number (four to six) of these

serovars. The vaccines available today contain the serovars that are most often the cause

of canine leptospirosis in a particular geographical area. This product is associated with as

many or more adverse reactions than occur for any other vaccine. In particular,

veterinarians are advised of reports of acute anaphylaxis in toy breeds following

administration of leptospirosis vaccines. Routine vaccination of toy breeds should only be

considered in dogs known to have a very high risk of exposure.”

Simply, this means:

1. The leptospirosis vaccine provides protection for a maximum of 12 – 18 months.

2. This vaccine can be associated with adverse reactions.

3. This vaccine should only be given if there is a real risk.

4. Leptospirosis may be relatively rare in your geographical area, so it’s also worth

asking your veterinary surgeon if he/she has recently seen any confirmed cases

locally. If not, and your dog does not lead a lifestyle which carries a risk of exposure,

you may decide not to vaccinate against leptospirosis.

5. Signs of leptospirosis may include one or more of the following: fever, joint or

muscle pain, weakness, vomiting and diarrhoea, discharge from the nose and eyes,

frequent urination, and yellowing of gums and around the eyes. If you observe these

signs in your dog, you should take him to your veterinary surgeon straight away.

Kennel Cough

1. In most dogs, kennel cough is generally a mild illness, similar to humans having a

cold or the flu. It is usually treated by keeping the dog quiet and giving throatsoothing

medications. Occasionally antibiotics can be given to treat bacterial


2. Kennel cough vaccines are generally only required by dogs in close contact with

other dogs – for example in boarding kennels. However, you should check with your

kennel because some will demand kennel cough vaccines, and others will not

accept dogs that have been vaccinated against kennel cough (due to shedding).

3. The kennel cough vaccines that are most effective should contain Bordetella

bronchiseptica and Canine Parainfluenza-5 Virus (CPI-5). These vaccines are

available to be administered locally (e.g. intranasal or orally) or parenterally. The

locally administered combination bacterial and viral products are considered most

effective. These vaccines should be administered initially between 3 to 16 weeks

and then annually.




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